Bee Roots for 2022-06-26

The table provides clues for the roots of words in today's NY Times Spelling Bee. You're responsible for prefixes, suffixes, tense changes, plurals, doubling consonants before suffixes, and alternate spellings of roots. An exception: since Sam won't allow S, when the root contains an S, the clue may be for a plural or suffixed form. "Mice" for example. If a clue isn't self-explanatory, try googling it. The TL;DR about the site comes after the table.

Past clues are available here

Today's puzzle
  • Letters: B/AGILNU
  • Words: 50
  • Points: 282
  • Pangrams: 1

Table content

  • with first two letters of answer and length
root #answers coveredanswer's first two lettersanswer's lengthclue for root (answer may need prefix, suffix, tense change, alt spelling, ...)
11AL5Criminal’s excuse
41BA4Rum sponge cake, or Ali & his 40 thieves
71BA4Fee to avoid prison, noun; scoop water out of a ship, or abandon, verb
91BA4Where Cinderella lost her slipper, noun; or squeeze or form into a spherical shape, verb
131BA4Sound of a collision, noun (“The Big … Theory”)
111BA5Unoriginal, dull
31BA6Sound a sheep makes
81BA6Parcel of hay, or actor Christian
121BA6Common yellow plantain variety
61BA7Container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things, noun/verb
71BA7Fee to avoid prison, noun; scoop water out of a ship, or abandon, verb
91BA7Where Cinderella lost her slipper, noun; or squeeze or form into a spherical shape, verb
101BA7Prohibit, verb
131BA7Sound of a collision, noun (“The Big … Theory”)
51BA8Talk rapidly in a foolish or excited way (like an infant); homophone of Genesis “Tower of …,” verb
151BI4Invoice, or actor Murray
151BI7Invoice, or actor Murray
161BI7Receptacle for storing a specified substance, noun/verb; trash can (British)
171BI7Overindulge (…-watch Netflix); verb/noun
21BI8Yearly, adj.
341BI8Latin for lips, or lips of vagina
141BI9Able to speak two languages, pangram
181BL4Reveal a secret by indiscreet talk
191BL4Russian pancake
191BL5Russian pancake
201BL5Flashy jewelry (think rappers), noun
181BL8Reveal a secret by indiscreet talk
251BU4Light-producing globe, head of garlic, or what you plant to get a tulip
271BU4♂ cow
281BU4A stopper (wine cork), or to close with one, or a hole in a cask or anus (vulgar slang)
211BU5Southern good ole boy
231BU7Insect, noun (informal), bother, verb (informal)
241BU7Trumpet-like musical instrument without valves, especially used in the military for Reveille and Taps
261BU7Rounded swelling, noun/verb
221BU8Thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas (the kids loved blowing soap …s)
291BU8Blunder, verb
301GA7Talk at length, typically about trivial matters
311GA8Talk rapidly and unintelligibly, verb/noun
321GI6Insulting or mocking remark, noun/verb
331GL4Insincere & shallow
341LA5Latin for lips, or lips of vagina
341LA6Latin for lips, or lips of vagina
351LU6Use oil to reduce friction and make something work better
361NA7Take, grab, or steal something; catch someone doing something wrong
371NI8Small, tentative chew, verb; or a snack, noun
381NU6Small bump, or small stunted ear of corn
61UN5Container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things, noun/verb
101UN5Prohibit, verb
61UN9Container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things, noun/verb
101UN9Prohibit, verb

About this site

This site provides clues for a day's New York Times Spelling Bee puzzle. It exists to make it easier for Kevin Davis to take a day off. Most of the clues come from him. There may be some startup problems, but long term I think I can put the clues together with no more than half an hour's work.

The "Bee Roots" approach is to provide explicit clues for root words, not every word. This is similar to what Kevin Davis does, but without information about parts of speech As logophiles, we are pretty good at putting on prefixes and suffixes, changing tense, and forming plurals (including Latin plurals!). The clues cover root words, arranged alphabetically by root word, with a count of words in the puzzle that come from each root. For example, if a puzzle includes ROAM and ROAMING, there will be a clue for ROAM and a count of 2. The root may not appear in the puzzle at all; for example, the 2021-07-23 Bee included ICED, DEICE, and DEICED. For such a puzzle, the clue would be for ICE with a word count of 3.

The Bee Roots approach involves judgement sometimes. For example, if a puzzle includes LOVE, LOVED, and LOVELY, how many roots are needed to cover them? LOVE and LOVED share the root LOVE, certainly, but LOVELY is tricky. LOVE is part of its etymology, but by now, the word means "exquisitely beautiful," which is a lot farther from the meaning of LOVE than swithcing to past tense. I'm inclined to treat LOVE and LOVELY as separate roots. You may not agree, which is fine. Another thing we logophiles share is a LOVE of arguing about words on Twitter.

One last complication, until another one pops up: a few roots have multiple spellings, for example LOLLYGAG and LALLYGAG. Depending on the day's letters, and maybe even the editor's whims, one or both could be in the puzzle's answer list. With such roots, you could see a word count of 2, even if there are no applicable prefixes or suffixes.

I will do my best to keep this site up to date and helpful (I hope). Check it out, and tweet feedback to @donswartwout Tweet to @donswartwout

Many thanks to Kevin Davis, whose 4,500-word clue list made this possible.